Friday 26 June 2015


After looking at a number of different types of music, we have FINALLY come found the music we would like to use in our music video. It called Kink in Your Soul and its by Red Emperor.
 I think it is a very good song because there is a story behind it which means that it will be easier for us to be able to come up with a music video for it. The fact that they are a band it means that we able to include everyone in the music video. Also the voice of the lead singer would suit Taju when it comes to him lip syncing it.
In order to get a good to make sure that this would be a good song to use, we have gathered some audience feedback from people aged 16-24, male/female, to see how the felt about the song. So we made a few questions and we had them answer it, in their honest opinion. We asked questions such as:

  1. Give three words that come to your mind after hearing this song?
  2. Which other artist(s) does tis music remind you of?
  3. What are their music videos like and what would you expect to see in their music videos?
  4. How would you describe the mood this song?
  5. If the song was a colour, what colour would it be and why?
  6. What narrative do you imagine with this song?
  7. What narrative would you put with this music video?
With these questions we were able to get a summary of how they felt about the song and an idea of what we could include when it comes to us making the music video.
So when it came to question one, people felt that the first impression they get after listening to the music video is that it is a sad, yearning and sensitive song. this means that when we are doing our music video we have to make sure that the song isn't joyful and happy, as it wont relate to the song. We also asked a group of people from the year bellow and they came up with a number of different words, such as long, excitement, and lost. The other group came up with the words Alex Coleman who attends our school, lol, boring and cute, aw.

The audience had thought that the song reminded them of 3 different bands, such as Hard-fi, Maroon 5 and The Kooks.
The audience had picked Hard-fi because they thought that the vocals of the band had matched what the sort of sound that Red Emperor have. In particular the song that they thought had related to the the band is Hard-fi - Living For the Weekend

And I agree with the audience because the band do have similar vocals when they are singing there song, its a sort of sympathetic voice. Which touches the audience and makes he audience feel some type of way when they are singing.
The next band which they thought hat it matched was The Kooks, this was because of the narrative that they have within there music video and also their lyrics are sort of similar. The song that the audience chose in particular was The Kooks - Naive.

 I agree with them, because it sort of runs along the same lines as the music video that we picked out. They both use a young adults in their music video so they are similar. And they are both based on a boy and a girl, this is why they are both similar, and which is why I agree that this music video reminds me of The Krooks - Naive.
Another music video that it reminded one of our audience of, was a group called The Cure they are a bit like a rock band by the hearing of them. So this is good because the music video that we are also using is a bit of a rock song. So I also agree with this audience feedback.

Onto the next question, we asked them what they would expect to see in the music video that we are going to use. Someone said that it reminded them of The Weeknds music videos. They also used words to describe what they would expect in our music video. they said gloomy, black and white, a love story, loads of close ups and emotions. This is good, because some of the things they said relates to what we have come with, so it shows that we are going along the same lines.
Also the question how would you describe the mood of this song, they had said Relaxing, easy to listen to, depressing and upsetting. Which is true, maybe because of the beat behind the song, or the title of the song.
Next we came up with the question what colour will you match to the song you are listening, and they had come up with similar answer, thy said Grey, Black and Red. Which are all colours based around a sad mood. And also what narrative would do they come up with when listening to this song and they words they come up with were sunshine, a wasteland and the theme who of a typical relationship break up.

I think that all the feedback that the audience has given back to us has had a positive impact on the way we came up with the ideas for our music video. So we are very appreciative of all the feedback that all of the audience has given t us. Because from here we have been able to come up with loads of ideas, and now we are able to form a good music video from the ideas given. We are also able to take the feedback from the suggested groups that they gave, and we can go take some ideas from them. 

So a BIG thank you to our audience and all the supportive feedback they gave! 

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