Tuesday 30 June 2015


For this exercise we had to lip sync to the song Sonny and Cher - I Got You Babe. We had one camera, which we used to film this using different angle shots. So for example we used close up shot, medium shot and we also used the digital technology equipment to help us be more creative with the filming of this exercise.

What went well? 

  • We made sure that we filmed at different angles, this was so that we were able to be more creative when it came to the editing of the exercise. It means that we could make the video more entertaining for our audience. 
  • Making sure that we could easily remember the lyrics made it easier for us to film, because it means that we didn't have to have a sheet in our hands whilst we were filming. We could just easily film the music video without having to stress about not knowing the lyrics as the song was easy to remember. 
  • When it came to our filming we had to make sure that we were also acting as well, we had to make sure that we were putting in emotion whilst singing. This so that it comes across more believable to the audience. The audience would be more interested in the video when emotions are being pout into it. 
What could be improved? 
  • I noticed that when we were editing, the were points where we were off, when we were trying to match our lips with the music. We needed to be more careful when it came to editing, we need to make sure that our lips our in sync with the music.

Friday 26 June 2015


After looking at a number of different types of music, we have FINALLY come found the music we would like to use in our music video. It called Kink in Your Soul and its by Red Emperor.
 I think it is a very good song because there is a story behind it which means that it will be easier for us to be able to come up with a music video for it. The fact that they are a band it means that we able to include everyone in the music video. Also the voice of the lead singer would suit Taju when it comes to him lip syncing it.
In order to get a good to make sure that this would be a good song to use, we have gathered some audience feedback from people aged 16-24, male/female, to see how the felt about the song. So we made a few questions and we had them answer it, in their honest opinion. We asked questions such as:

  1. Give three words that come to your mind after hearing this song?
  2. Which other artist(s) does tis music remind you of?
  3. What are their music videos like and what would you expect to see in their music videos?
  4. How would you describe the mood this song?
  5. If the song was a colour, what colour would it be and why?
  6. What narrative do you imagine with this song?
  7. What narrative would you put with this music video?
With these questions we were able to get a summary of how they felt about the song and an idea of what we could include when it comes to us making the music video.
So when it came to question one, people felt that the first impression they get after listening to the music video is that it is a sad, yearning and sensitive song. this means that when we are doing our music video we have to make sure that the song isn't joyful and happy, as it wont relate to the song. We also asked a group of people from the year bellow and they came up with a number of different words, such as long, excitement, and lost. The other group came up with the words Alex Coleman who attends our school, lol, boring and cute, aw.

The audience had thought that the song reminded them of 3 different bands, such as Hard-fi, Maroon 5 and The Kooks.
The audience had picked Hard-fi because they thought that the vocals of the band had matched what the sort of sound that Red Emperor have. In particular the song that they thought had related to the the band is Hard-fi - Living For the Weekend

And I agree with the audience because the band do have similar vocals when they are singing there song, its a sort of sympathetic voice. Which touches the audience and makes he audience feel some type of way when they are singing.
The next band which they thought hat it matched was The Kooks, this was because of the narrative that they have within there music video and also their lyrics are sort of similar. The song that the audience chose in particular was The Kooks - Naive.

 I agree with them, because it sort of runs along the same lines as the music video that we picked out. They both use a young adults in their music video so they are similar. And they are both based on a boy and a girl, this is why they are both similar, and which is why I agree that this music video reminds me of The Krooks - Naive.
Another music video that it reminded one of our audience of, was a group called The Cure they are a bit like a rock band by the hearing of them. So this is good because the music video that we are also using is a bit of a rock song. So I also agree with this audience feedback.

Onto the next question, we asked them what they would expect to see in the music video that we are going to use. Someone said that it reminded them of The Weeknds music videos. They also used words to describe what they would expect in our music video. they said gloomy, black and white, a love story, loads of close ups and emotions. This is good, because some of the things they said relates to what we have come with, so it shows that we are going along the same lines.
Also the question how would you describe the mood of this song, they had said Relaxing, easy to listen to, depressing and upsetting. Which is true, maybe because of the beat behind the song, or the title of the song.
Next we came up with the question what colour will you match to the song you are listening, and they had come up with similar answer, thy said Grey, Black and Red. Which are all colours based around a sad mood. And also what narrative would do they come up with when listening to this song and they words they come up with were sunshine, a wasteland and the theme who of a typical relationship break up.

I think that all the feedback that the audience has given back to us has had a positive impact on the way we came up with the ideas for our music video. So we are very appreciative of all the feedback that all of the audience has given t us. Because from here we have been able to come up with loads of ideas, and now we are able to form a good music video from the ideas given. We are also able to take the feedback from the suggested groups that they gave, and we can go take some ideas from them. 

So a BIG thank you to our audience and all the supportive feedback they gave! 


So far me and my group have come up with a couple of ideas.
This includes; J Hus - Lean & Bop

However, after watching it over a few times we have decided to drop it, as the rapping is not appropriate and may be hard to make a good video out of.  Additionally,  it would have been difficult to add instruments as all of the sound is technically enhanced.  We had a few ideas on how to improve the video and make it more up beat and fun. However, we did manage to get permission from the artists, as we was pleased with this, which is why we decided to make this an option, as we are avoiding copyrights

Following on from this, we decided to go for another option which was Kojo Funds- Want From Me.

As we thought the video for this song could be much better than it was, we had a brilliant idea that Taju which is our lead lip sync could say what do you want from me, while I play his girlfriend who is shouting at him while muted out & Taju calmly looks and says "what do you want from me"  we also had an idea that his boss at work could be telling him off and he looks distressed and says "what do you want from me". We thought this would be a good idea, how ever we may run out of ideas throughout the song as we cannot use an instruments in the video. Additionally, we have got permission from the artists so we were extremely happy with this, as we can avoid copy rights.

Furthermore, we also decided to go for Chromeo- Over your Shoulder.

We really liked this up beat song and we decided that we could get a good video out of this song, this is because we could use instruments such as a guitar or drums for the bass. We also had the idea that to match the song we need a young, confident good looking man who dresses well to fit the song. We decided that Taju could match this as he has confidence, he could wear a nice suit or maybe look a bit edgy with a leather jacket and his collar up. However, with this song we do not have any permission to use the song just yet and we are working on it.

Monday 15 June 2015


I found that using Photoshop helped me to create this image really easily. We hasd a set of instructions which had helped us when it came to choosing our band name, album title and picking an image for our album cover. 

Firstly we had to get our band name, we got this from the website randomly-generated Wikipedia article, which will randomly select us a name, I had received the name JauzĂ©.  
We then had to get ourselves a Album title, so we had to use the last four/five words from a quote from this website page of random quotations. Lastly we had to go and find a  image from Flickr and upload it onto Photoshop. 
From this we had to make sure that the type of font we used had matched the image picked, not only that but also the colour and the size of the font.  So from the image I used I thought that using the font Herculanum matched the image perfectly, because it makes it look like the album is going to be based on country music. This is why I thought that using this font would be the best. At first I used the font Snell Roundhouse, because it had made the image look like it was based on Spanish music, but I changed it because the Album title did not match the image. I then changed the font colour of the album title, because if I had used the font colour black, then it would be difficult to see which is why I choose the colour white, as this stand out amongst the green grass. 
The positioning of the Band Name and the album cover is also important because we have to be able to tell difference. That is why I decided to put the band name at the top and the album cover at the bottom, because the band name is more important as people would easily be able to recognise the band name. And I put the album title at the bottom, because I felt like even though it isn't at the top, people will still be able to identify the album title because of the colour font that I used. 
And now putting all of this together is how I was able to create my album cover!

Friday 12 June 2015


In this task we were asked to lip sync to Elton John Don't Got Breaking My Heart, there were a lot of requirements that we had to do, especially when it came videoing and editing.  For example when it came to us editing we had to make sure that the video was in time with the music. This was very difficult, but there were a number of things that went well. However there are some things that can be improved.

What went well?

  • I thought that when it came to video the songs, it went very well, because we had made sure that we had taken a lot of different angle shots, so that when it came to editing we could use these to make our video more entertaining.
  • I also thought that when it came to remembering the lyrics, we had picked it up quite well, as we only use it for the first two shots we took. After that we were able to remember the lyrics, which had made it more easier or us because it means that when we are recording we don't have to have our sheets in our hand, or keep stopping to refer back to the lyrics.  
  • When it came to videoing I think the way that we acknowledge the fact that we had to put in emotion behind the lyrics in order for the music video to seem realistic, was really good, because it makes the music video more believable. The also had to make sure that they sang the lyrics out allowed, even though it may be embarrassing, it makes life so much easier when it comes to editing, cause its easier to match the lip sync to the audio. 
  • The editing that I did was also good, because all the video matched the audio, meaning it looked like a proper music video, also when we were cutting I had made sure that we used special effects, just to make it look fancy.   
How could it be improved?

  • I thought that the number of different shots that we had filmed were very good, however we didn't include this in our final music video. So I feel that if we were to improve anything I feel that it would be the fact that we need to different camera shots. For example we can use close ups, we could have also used a dolly which would help us to get a more better footage of the background singers. 
  • There were also some points where Abi would look at the board, this wasn't good because it sort of shows that there was something there, which i s bad. Next time we film, we have to make sure that there is no distractions. 


The Brief
A promotional package for the release of an album to include a music promo video together with:
  • A digipak for its release on DVD
  • A magazine advertisement for the DVD 
  • All planning, research, construction and evaluation on a blog. 


I'M BACK! Welcome to my second blog.

This time instead of making a Thriller, we are going to be making a music video :)