Thursday 10 March 2016


Today, we gathered a significant amount of audience feedback from my target audience on all the final pieces of work my group has done which included the music video, magazine advert and digipak. Overall the comments were generally positive however there were things that could be improved upon in order to enhance the quality of each product.

In the following video we interviewed 2 students who are a part of my target audience and asked them what they thought of each product. We used the popular Snapchat to advertise my products to them and we also filmed these interviews using Snapchat.

In one of the private interviews we had with my target audience, someone commented 'great performance, really understood the emotion'. This was because throughout the video they were able to get to grips with the message through the facial expressions and body language used by the performers, and understood the tone of the song. However, we did receive comments on how certain shots were too 'shaky' and that I needed steadier shots in order to enhance the quality of the video. This is what we found difficult as the location in which we shot was in London on a weekday and we didn't have much time so we needed to make sure that we got the shots captured quickly. As a result of this, the shots were filmed handheld and not on a tripod or dolly, thus appearing 'shakier'. Nevertheless they enjoyed the narrative of the music video as they were able to see the flashbacks of the couple the video was based on compared to how they are now, and it took them on a mysterious journey of their good times.

The indie rock style that we wanted to portray was praised in the digipak, as the leaves and the black and white effect on the images really emphasised our bands image, The text was seen as very 'artistic' as the font looked as though it had been handwritten with a ball-point pen which made it very 'authentic and down to earth'. The use of the leaves really outlined the the title of the album, 'Wondering Souls', as the leaves have that feel of 'mother nature'. Moreover, the advert was found to be really effective as it proved to them that our music video was worth watching because of the reviews of big critics such as The Daily Mail. In addition they liked the image on the advert as all the band members wore sunglasses outside in an open field which indicated to them that we have nothing to hide, as we're out in the open, but have more to our personalities, as the eyes were covered.

Here are some values that represent the amount of people that liked each product out of 110.

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